Sunday, May 13, 2012

Totally Awesome 80's Prom

Saturday we went to a 80's prom charity event in New Braunfels which is about 30 mins from San Antonio. There was about ten of us and we looked super 80's. All the girls had the big hair, tons of makeup and the dresses to match. The boys looked great too. Here is a group shot of us.....but it was at the end of the night so out hair had fallen.

We have a fun group already but add in dressing up and crazy dancing and oh what a night! To have a little more fun with it we all went to eat before the prom at restaurant downtown. I could see everyone in there having flashbacks. I have the Goodwill to thank for our outfits. I got everything for me and Jackson there. I scored the perfect 80's dress complete with big puffy lace sleeves.
Here are some random dance contest pictures.

Winners :) Cole and Carter 

 We had so much fun!!!! Thankful for so many great friends here in TX. 

Today we went to Six Flags with Cole and Chris. I love have season pass and had fun with the guys :) Now time for bed!!! Happy Mother's Day to my sweet mom and all the great mom's out there!!!

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