Sunday, April 29, 2012

More Flags, More Fun

We love theme parks!!! I was so pumped when I was looking online for things to do in the Tonio before I took my job and what did I see they had a Six Flags Fiesta Texas. We got season pass about two months ago and have been about 5 times so far. After church we headed to Fiesta Texas in hopes that it would not be busy on a Sunday afternoon.  It wasn't. We ride all the major thrill ride twice and in the front most of the time. The Superman here was voted in the top 5 for scariest coasters in USA. I love having one down the road form the house. Here are some random pictures from the Flags.

Six Flags :)

Jackson on a ride

new ride opening up in two weeks

the Superman

Now after a long fun weekend I think an early bedtime is in order! I hope yall had a great weekend too!

Cabela's, Outlet Mall and the Historic Town of Gruene

Saturday we got up and headed to Buda, TX to the Cabela's store. We could have stayed there forever. I love outdoor stores! At Cabela's they have three really neat animal exhibits. The first one is the middle of the store with all different types of animals. Then on one end of the store they have African animals. On the other end they have tons of record deer. Jackson really likes the record deer room. We got some fishing stuff and some tubes to go tubing down the river.

of course I had to take a picture of the lions :)

Then we headed to the outlet mall. There are two huge outlet malls right next to each other. On one side of the street you have the San Marcos Premium Outlets and on the other side the Tanger Outlets . Most of the time I'm not a bigger shopping but I do enjoy going to the outlet mall. The last couple of times we have gone we found some really good deals. After we went shopping we met some friends for dinner. We went to the Gruene River Grill  and it was so good!! It was in the historic downtown of Gruene, TX. They have some great places to hear live Texas music. After dinner we went to a cute old fashion ice cream shop.

in the little shop

Then we headed to go spend the rest of the night with Paige. The boy brought out the guitars and we had a good old sing-along.

JD and Cole :)

We had a great long Saturday!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Zac Brown Band!!

Last night we went to see the Zac Brown Band concert and it was awesome!!! They really appreciate their fans spending their money to come see them and put on an amazing show. This was our second concert to go to this year. We went to the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo to see The Band Perry after the rodeo. They also put on a good show. Nic Cowan opened the show and he had a Muscle Shoals southern feel to him. He did a good job.

Now if you know us then you know we have a full day of doing something. Today we are going to go spring....well since it was 97 yesterday summer shopping at the outlet mall :) It is so nice to drive 30 mins to it, but then again we are just 30 mins from about anything you could need. I hope everyone has a great Saturday.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Does the Day Go?

Almost 11??? Where did the day go? I started my day off not feeling to well. After some advil and random meds for the closet I felt better. We had another busy day at work. Tomorrow for Fiesta I decided to make some treats for work. Jen's Bday is also tomorrow so they are for her too. I made White Chocolate Cheese Ball and Peanut Butter Cheese Ball both from Pinterest.....of course! I also made Funfetti cake but I knew how to make that.

White Chocolate Cheese Ball
I added some more white chips and butter then it called for to make this more of a dip then a ball. After testing it is really good.

Not the best picture but looks good
After work we went to Petco, H.E.B and Jo-Ann Fabric. Hopefully things will slow down for us after we get the house like we want it. Hope everyone had a great Thursday and a better Friday! We are going to the Zac Brown Band concert tomorrow so it will be a good day :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let's Party~Fiesta Time

Welcome to Fiesta® San Antonio—100 events • 11 days • 1 Fiesta!

Fiesta San Antonio 


This past weekend started Fiesta :) It is kinda like the W.C. Handy Fest but a tad bit bigger. We have not made it out yet but plan on going Friday afternoon since we get off early because it is Battle of the Flowers Parade. Everything will shut down this Friday for what is a huge parade though downtown. I'm excited to get out and experience some San Antonio festivals. I did go to First Friday with Jenny in December which was fun.

Nothing new on the house. After working and church we just relaxed tonight. Hopefully we will get some things done tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Me Decorating?

If you know me then you know I really don't decorate. We lived in a apartment for two years and never hung up a thing. We had a house in Alabama but for a very short time so we did not do anything to it. But now that we have a place and I know it will be ours for awhile I'm in full decorating mode. I love Pinterest!!! It has so many easy fun things to do for a house. I have posted some other things that I have made for the house. Today I did a couple more projects. Thanks to this pinner I learned how to glaze things. Glazed, but not Confused. I have a beautiful mirror that sweet Alison gave but it was gold and we were thinking sliver for the living room so I glazed it.


I started out by painting it white then sliver and finished it off with some black glaze. I really like how it turned out! I liked it so much I did it to two more picture frame for the downstairs bath.

Done :)
Now it is time for bed! I hope everyone had a great Monday!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Adventurous Agee's: South Texas

Friday night we headed down to South Texas to do some turkey hunting. We went with some of our friends here and had a great time. I'm not a hunter. I really don't like guns. We never had them in our house growing up so I'm a little uncomfortable around them. Jackson is a hunter with lots of guns. Jackson has asked me to go hunting with him before but 5 am and cold, no thanks. Hunting in Texas and Alabama are so different. So I decided I would go out Sat night with Jackson to see if we could get a turkey. But before that I had to learn how to shoot a gun. Chris and Cole had some wonderful Do-All-Outdoor targets so we set them up. The guys took turns lighting them up. Then it was my turn. Jackson got me a .22 gave me some pointers since I have never shoot a real gun and boom hit the target first shoot!!

I hit the big target

In between the morning hunt and afternoon hunt Saturday we shot some skeet. Paige was awesome with her .20 gauge. The guys did good too.

About to shoot skeet

While everyone was shooting I was playing with the sweet puppies. I love them!! I can't wait to get one....wink wink Jackson.

Trick and Tripp

After a much needed nap we were off to find some turkeys. We walk down to where we had seen some tracks and set up.

Turkey track

Jackson using my grandpa's turkey call

After sitting there for a while we decided to move to another spot. At the new spot we didn't see any turkeys but we did have one gobbling with us which was cool. When we got back to the camp dinner was underway. We had the famous Stokely chops. I will only make Stokely chops from now on! They were so good! Sorry no picture. We finished dinner up with some Reese's S'mores and a good game of Rook. Next morning I let Jackson so out by himself. He did not get a turkey but had some around him this morning. We are blessed to have great friends here in Texas. We had the best time with them and can't wait to hang out again.


Now for some random fun pictures from the weekend.

Love her

Ha Ha

Me with the big gun

Yay for Friday!

Like I have said a few times the last couple of weeks have been long and tiring for us. But this weekend we went to South Texas to do some turkey hunting. Jackson never has really done any turkey hunting due to the fact that turkey season in Bama is also the best time to go fishing. If you live in Florence or the Shoals area then you know how good the fishing is. He did go once this year with the gang in South Texas. Before we headed down Friday night I had a great day at work which included a pizza lunch. I'm not sure if this is good or bad but we have one of the best pizza places in The Tonio around the corner from work. Rome's Pizza :)

I love pizza so this just made my Friday a little bit better!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

It has been a long couple of weeks. Between a tournament, packing, moving and unpacking I'm beat! Hopefully I can get some rest this weekend. We are going to South Texas this weekend with our friends for some turkey hunting. I will not be hunting but I hope Jackson gets a gobbler. We got a lot of packing done today so we are almost done. We got a couple of bookcases up in the living room.

Bookcase and my vases

Hopefully my next post will have a big turkey in it :) Yay tomorrow is Friday!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taco Truck Wednesday

I love food trucks :) San Antonio has a whole park full of different types of food trucks. Today we went to the best Taco Truck around.

They have all kinds of different tacos most of which I have no idea what they are. Ryan at work is a taco truck pro so most of the time I ask him what to get. Today I went with the pirata taco which is just steak and cheese. It was so good!!! I paired it with a Mexican Coke....which is just a coke made with real sugar.

Then I went to get some stuff to a pinterest craft since I did not want to unpack. I got half of one done.


add some string

After :)

I have four more of these vases to finish up then they will all go on the fireplace mantle.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Will the Unpacking Ever Stop?

I love the new house so much but I will love it more when we get everything unpacked! We did get a couple more boxes unpacked today but they seem to multiply while we are at work. We also got our new kitchen table set up :)

Yay :) Now we can eat!

I also got a great idea from Pinterest for my jewelry.


I have some many Pinterest ideas and materials but need to get everything unpacked before I can start on them so stayed turned for more. Today is Tax Day and Sonic had half off drinks all day so I got a yummy 44 oz Cherry Limeade.

Makes any work day better
I hope everyone had a great day! Now time for more you guessed it.....more unpacking!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lazy Sunday...I Wish

We had another busy day. After church we went to the old townhouse to finish cleaning it up. 3 hours and a jeep full later we got done!! Now we have just been unpacking the new house. I was hoping for a long nap but I guess I will take an early bedtime instead. The kittens are doing good so far with the move. They are going to love the backyard once we let them go outside again.

Our awesome deck/backyard :)

One thing I really liked about the house was the backyard and big covered porch. It was so nice to grill yesterday under it and hang out with the guys. Hopefully soon we will get some nice porch furniture.

Sweet kittens

Sadie enjoying the new house

I hope everyone had a great Sunday!