Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grace Ann's Wedding and Georgia Aquarium

One of the reason I stayed and Jackson joined me was our sweet cousin was getting married June 2 in GA. Let me start my saying she was the most gorgeous bride! Their wedding was so beautiful! They used candles instead of flowers and it was perfect (loved the cross in the middle).
Love it!
Her dress was also so beautiful!! She will be on Say Yes to the Dress sometime soon. The crew was at the wedding getting some more footage for the show. It was fun getting to catch up with some of the family that we only get to see at holidays and special occasions.Every time I go to a wedding it reminds me of our sweet wedding :) I'm a blessed woman!
the back
the front and pretty Grace Ann
They are the cutest couple and we wish them a happy marriage!

After the wedding we stayed in Kennesaw since we were flying out of Atlanta. Before we left we went to the Georgia Aquarium which we have never been to before. Jackson's parents came with us and it had a great time.
Dinner :)

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