Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Best Baby Shower Ever!

I went to Bama last weekend for my friend Chelsey's baby shower. I got into Florence Friday night to help Jess get everything ready. I also got to see baby Deegan for the first time :)
He was looking at me :)
After my wonderful visit with Beau, Sarah and Deegan I was back to help Jess. We cleaned up the house, got some treats ready, and talked about some games to play. We were both pretty tried so we called it an early night. The next morning we watching the Olympics when we get the call. Our sweet Chelsey was having contractions and was at Helen Keller Hospital in Tuscumbia. So what did we do? Forget about the party.....NO.....take the party to her! Shiloh met us at Jess's and we packed up the party and headed to the hospital. Chelsey was not feeling her best but I think we lifted her spirits just by here and of course the presented helped too. It was so good to see her!! She is going to make the best mommy!! At first they thought she may have to stay for a while but she got to go home Sunday afternoon. I can't wait to meet Brayden.
Party at the hospital
I think we all will remember the BEST baby shower ever!!!

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