Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's Been a While

Well it's been a while so here is an update on the Agee's. We now have a roommate :) Well a new roommate and a puppy. Our friend Cole and his sweet puppy Trick will be staying with us.
Trick :)
 I also finished the kitchen curtains. I need to start a new pinterest project list because I'm almost to the end of mine. We went to float the "river" last weekend. The rivers here are like creeks back in Bama.

 I will be heading to Tennessee/Alabama tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see my family and friends!!! We are having a 902 girls reunion so that should be a good time!
902 Girls

I'm excited to see Jenny, Ericka, Jessica's new house, Chelsey's baby bump, my tourism co-workers, baby Deegan, my mom and hopefully mother-in-law, Chris Jones, and Handy Fest!!! This is going to be a great weekend!

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