Friday, July 6, 2012

Pinning My Life Away

I have done a couple of new Pinterest project lately :) The first one I saw a long time ago and found the frame like 3 months ago but no time to do it. Here is the pin just in case you want to try-Family Photo Frame. Now that tournament season is over I have a little more time for the house. Here is what the picture started out like.
Why would I not want this in the house? 

Over the fireplace
Yay :)

I really liked the finished product. We will have it over the fireplace till be get a flat screen :) We had some really good pictures thanks to Maple Left Photography. All I did to make this was paint the frame black, then used fabric glue to glue the fabric to the lions, and the last part was we used wood screws to hold the picture frames up. Another much easier pin I did was a 4th of July cake. Mine was much smaller since it was just me, Jackson and Cole.
first layer two more to go
My next project was for the master bath. I also have had this pinned for a while. I thought this was a neat way to keep your products where you can get to them but still keep the counters clean. You use spice racks to keep all your hair care products off the counter. On the pin it shows you the ladies bath room but it's the second picture.
I could not find the same spice racks so I found this at Jo-Ann's Fabric. I also added a magnet on the bottom so I can put all my bobby pins.
Up in the bathroom :) 
matches my make-up board 
We have a couple more projects that we hope to get done in the next couple weeks so stayed tuned. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

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